6000RP vs 6000XRP vs 6100XLP vs SLX

What are the differences between 6000RP vs 6000XRP vs 6100XLP vs SLX?


The biggest similarity in all of the films is that they are premium cast vinyl films and are printable. The biggest difference between each film is the adhesive and liner used to create air egress(or not), initial tack, and liner release. Below is a chart highlighting the main differences:


The biggest similarity in all of the films is that they are premium cast vinyl films and are printable. The biggest difference between each film is the adhesive and liner used to create air egress(or not), initial tack, and liner release. Below is a chart highlighting the main differences:




What is the difference between 6100XLP and SLX for vehicle wraps?

The difference between these two is preference of installer. Installers who prefer a higher tack film will like 6100XLP more. New installers and those that prefer lower tack film will like SLX more.


What is the best product for decals?

DPF 6000RP Clear or White(depending on what the job calls for) is the best recommendation for decals. 6100XLP or 6000XRP are the next best recommendations, but do not cut or weed as well as 6000RP. SLX is generally not recommended for decals due to the difficulty of cutting/weeding because of the low liner release causing the film to lift if not cut/weed carefully.


What is the best all around film for small cut graphics to full vehicle wraps if a shop could only have one?

6000XRP or 6100XLP would be the recommendation since SLX is not recommended for small cut graphics. XLP is recommended over XRP for a smoother finish, due to low-profile air egress.


Which film has the best durability?

All of these films have the same durability, 7 years.