Graphtec Cutting Tips for Reflective Films

Use the Overcut, Tangential Mode, and Blade Adjust function on your Graphtec cutter to help achieve the best possible cut with any Arlon reflective film. After setting those functions, changing the blade and cutting mat is the next step to further bettering the cut condition.

  • Blade: A 45-degree blade in the blue holder will work, but a 60 degree blade in the red holder is better and ideal for intricate cuts. Reflective films tend to dull blades quickly, so it is advised to have back up blades on hand. Ensure that the tool selected in the "Condition" menu matches the tool that you are using.
  • Cutting Mat/Strip: The mat should be smooth and have minimal to no punctures. A damaged mat can lead to uneven cutting pressure and poor cuts.
Overcut is a function that tells the blade to cut slightly before and/or after the designed cut line. This ensures that the designs is cut thoroughly at corners or points and can assist with weeding.

How to turn on overcut:
  1. Access the Condition menu by pressing the "Condition" button on the Graphtec and scrolling through the menu to find OVERCUT on page 3.
  2. Set the start and/or end condition to the desired overcut length. Generally, overcut below 0.012" is recommended.
  3. Hit the "Enter" button to set the condition.

Tangential Mode:
Tangential mode is a function which raises the blade at the end of every cut. So around corners it raises the blade from the material then turns the blade before beginning the new cut. This is especially useful when cutting thicker materials (reflective) so that the action of the blade rounding a corner does not life up the material.

How to turn on Tangential Mode:
  1. Access the Condition menu by pressing the "Condition" button on the Graphtec and scrolling through the menu to find TANGENTIAL MODE on page 2.
  2. The menu shows a grid where the top row is what condition (or preset) and the bottom row is the mode (on or off).
  3. To turn ON Tangential Mode, set the condition you are using to "1". "3" is off.
  4. Press the "Enter" button to set the mode.

Blade Adjust:
Using the Blade Adjust function allows the Graphtec cutter to help you set the amount of blade that should be sticking out of the tip of the holder, rather than just eye balling the length.. The ideal length sticking out is around the thickness of the film you are going to be cutting. For example, a kiss cut through a 2mil vinyl film calls for about 2 mil of blade sticking out. For a perf cut, through the liner of a 6 mil reflective film (no lam) calls for about 8mils of blade to stick out (accomodate for adhesive and liner).

How to adjust Blade Adjust function:
  1. Go to the "Condition" menu. Navigate to the third page to find the BLADE ADJUST function.
  2. Turn the holder nob counter clockwise until the blade is no longer sticking out of holder then hit enter.
  3. Press 1 to set ?Blade Length Target?. Set this value to the thickness that is being cut.
  4. Press 2 to check the blade length. The cutter will ask you to turn a certain amount clockwise(CW) or counterclockwise(CCW) depending on whether it needs more or less length. At the middle of the blade holder, there are notches, each notch co to 0.1 turns (For example: 0.3 CW is 3 notches turned clockwise). On the nob that turns at the end of the holder, there is a notch that helps indicate how much you have turned it. (See next page for blade holder notches explained)
  5. After turning hit 2 to check blade length.
  6. Repeat step 3 and 4 until the cutter says target length is achieved. Sometimes a whole notch turn is not necessary, so half turns are possible.