Is IllumiNITE certified for ECE104 class D?

We do not have ECE104 Class D certification for our reflective products (IllumiNITE, 2400, 2400XLP)

IllumiNITE/2400/2400XLP is NOT certified for ECE104 Class D, but our reflectivity measurements indicate that our reflective products would meet the performance requirements for ECE104 Class D.

ECE 104 only applies to vehicles that fall under the M2, M3, N, O2, O3, O4 categories, which are vehicles that have 9 or more seats(bus), vehicles that carry goods(truck), truck trailers. It does not apply to standard cars.

See document attached in "Related" tab which is Arlon's official document stating that our reflective products are not certified for ECE104 Class D, but would meet the requirements.